15 reasons why you should be using a ‘connected app’ like Clariti to improve your business communication
A connected app is a SaaS-based platform that integrates diverse communication tools like emails, chats, social feeds, events, calendar, meetings, cloud storage, and file viewers in one place. Since these applications are hosted in the cloud, they are accessible to all team members who have internet connection. Organizations implementing a connected apps solution enjoy the benefits of having all their systems work together, smoothly and securely to enable effective collaboration.
Though Microsoft Teams and Slack bring group chat, and calls in one place, the related communications are not connected. Yes, theoretically, you may be using a single application for all your official communication, but all the conversations inside these applications will remain fractured making it hard to put together. Which means your conversations will remain disconnected though you will be technically using a single app. If you want to search for a presentation or a message from your colleague, you will have to search multiple channels to get the information. Besides, what about email. While you can reference incoming emails in Teams and Slack, they need to be replied from a separate email client. In doing so the participants in the chat have no idea what was in the outbound email. The link is broken.
Clariti as connected app
Clariti is a unified communication system that lets you take full advantage of all the benefits that connected apps offer. Using Clariti, if you realize there is an issue that requires quicker response, you can switch to chat or voice call with just a click of a button; you don’t’ have to switch devices, applications or jump to any other rooms or channels. Clariti brings all your emails, chats, calls, shared files, social feeds, and tasks in a single app and links related conversations in a TopicFolder. internal communication tools in business organization
From Clariti’s TopicFolder you can create any item such as email, conference chat, social feeds, and To-Do. All the subsequent related conversations are automatically stored in that TopicFolder. Few months down the line, when you want to go back and refer to a prior conversation or file, all you must do is remember the context and look inside the relevant TopicFolder. In Clariti, no matter what was discussed and when it was discussed, you will be able to see the big picture in one view.
Benefits of using connected apps
When you use a unified communication platform like Clariti that connects all your apps, it results in free and uninterrupted business communication, higher employee engagement, better customer service, and more profits. We have identified 15 reasons as why you should be using a connected app like Clariti.
1. All apps in one place
When you use a , you can manage all your apps in one place. There is no need to toggle between multiple apps like email, chat, social feeds, meetings, events, reminders, cloud storage etc. All these functionalities are available in a single SaaS-based application, and you don’t have to log in and log out multiple times. Also, there are no hassles like installation, maintenance, license renewal, etc.
2. Integrates social media
Social media is increasingly becoming an important tool in digital marketing and for getting instant feedback from customers. Unfortunately, social media feeds are independent of your other communications creating silos. Your connected apps should be able to integrate social media seamlessly into your work.
3. Reduces searching and increases productivity
McKinsey reported that employees spend 1.8 hours every day — 9.3 hours per week, on average — searching and gathering information. This is a serious problem that affects your productivity and work-life balance. Connected apps offers a simple but elegant solution to this painful search problem. If all your communication is in one place, you don’t have to keep searching for information and your productivity goes up automatically.
4. Helps remote working
Since most of the connected apps are cloud-based, whether it is work-from-home or working from office, your entire team can access it from anywhere, anytime. Most of these connected apps are also equipped with audio calls that are as good as face-to-face meetings.
5. Improves speed-to-market
A single connected apps platform can save your employees from wasting time searching through lists of emails, multiple files, chats and what have you, looking for information so they can accomplish company objectives more efficiently. Enhanced communication and operations processes will allow companies to get their idea and product to the market more quickly. The faster a company responds to its customers; the higher will be its profitability
6. Reduces IT cost
By switching to a connected app, companies can save in multiple ways. There will be no need for hardware or server infrastructure, internal maintenance team, license renewal, integrations with other applications etc. The cost of installation, maintenance and management are completely absent. Companies can benefit by consolidating all their cloud-based applications into one centralized unified communications solution and cut down its administration time and cost as there will be only one vendor and one bill to pay at the end of the month.
7. Improves customer satisfaction
Being able to better serve the customers and improve their experience will be the top priority for any company. A disconnected communication system could be hurting your customer service efforts through increased time needed to respond to customer queries.
8. Attracts millennials
Millennials, who comprise the majority of the world’s workforce, are rendering connected apps platforms absolutely essential to modern businesses. This agile workforce demands a more flexible work environment that extends beyond the confines of the office walls. A survey by Bentley University found that 77% of millennials think that flexible work hours would increase their productivity at work. Another study points out that they are even willing to give up pay and delay promotions to get a flexible work schedule. This is possible only with a connected app that is cloud-based.
9. Easy to maintain
If your cost of communication is rising due to using traditional legacy systems or using too many applications, then it is a good time to switch over to connected apps. The cost of replacing hardware and software associated with communication systems as well as piecing together several systems and platforms can be overwhelming. By switching to connected apps, your company can streamline communication and collaboration needs while reducing the costs associated with maintaining the applications in-house.
10. Removes burden on teams
When your teammates begin to feel the pressure of their workloads, their response times to email and chat increase significantly. They struggle to focus on current tasks and meet project deadlines. This may be a sign of overburdening your teammates with too many applications. Adopting connected apps can free your staff from mundane work like searching for files or responding to too many emails in a day so that they can start focusing on more productive work.
11. Helps to scale up
As your company grows, you might appoint more employees and it may add pressure on your existing applications that are not scalable. Hence, setting up new accounts may take more time. When you use a SaaS-based connected app, you can scale up easily without worrying about the cost. Moreover, all other critical aspects like data management, regulatory compliance, licensing, security etc will be taken care of by your vendor.
12. Improves business resilience
Connected apps support business continuity efforts by eliminating downtime related to natural disasters, emergencies or system outages. As we’ve seen during the pandemic, connected apps ensured business continuity even when all the employees were forced to work from home. Its prime features like email, chat, voice calling etc allow dispersed employees to work from remote locations.
13. Improves collaboration
Unlike a traditional audio call where two or more people in different locations dial into a central system, connected apps let you directly call your colleague or schedule a group call from your application itself. It enables communications and collaboration simultaneously with added capabilities like screen-sharing.
14. Helps with onboarding
Connected apps are a great way to engage and train new employees. Equipped with better conferencing and collaboration capabilities, connected apps make peer mentoring, training, and meetings with key stakeholders a breeze. It helps to increase employee satisfaction and reduce turnover.
15. Chat from emails
There are few tools in the market like Clariti that is supporting this functionality. when you receive an email, you can immediately start chatting from the email and the recipient can understand the context that you are talking about — without you having to forward the email! A huge time saver and also avoids any miscommunications.
As part of a communication strategy, businesses should be looking to implement an efficient communication system to reduce distractions and stress that is related to mindless searching and utilize the time for other productive work. This makes a strong case for implementing an app that can connect multiple systems together. That is what Clariti does. Clariti not only connects all your business communications, it makes your communication faster by eliminating the need to search for information across communication silos.