Bring All Your Communications to One Place
The way we communicate at work has grown exponentially as more and more people work remotely and teams are geographically spread. What started out as simple emails have now grown to instant messages, social media, cloud document sharing, and voice-over-IP communications. What makes this worse is that each communication medium is a silo and the recipient has to connect all the information in her head to make sense of it all. This is extremely stressful.
As the pace of communication increases, it is getting harder to maintain context behind all these disparate message threads. Again, the fall back is memory. No wonder people are constantly anxious that they may have missed or misunderstood a crucial piece of information that may have come their way.
A solution is needed that brings all these communication forms to one place and connects them, so it is very easy to maintain context.
Clariti connects your emails, chats, to-dos, calls | Sign up now!
Share Contextually
When you work in a team, you need to share information. However, sharing separate messages that are related but in different forms such as emails, chats, social media and documents is cumbersome. After sharing one form, you have to use another to discuss it. For example, after you share an email, you may use a chat to discuss the action items related to it. It is very easy to get overwhelmed and lose track of the context behind each action.
Communications would be much more efficient if one could share information such that the recipient fully understands the context behind the message naturally.
Visualize the Connections
Information doesn’t arrive all at once. It drips in over time. You get an email one day, your boss chats about it two days later, you email back the customer a day later and so it goes. This steady drip suddenly becomes a torrent that deluges you at exactly the wrong time. Your customer calls with questions and you scramble to put all the pieces together.
Stop wasting your time searching for info | Get more productive!
Be A Quicker Faster You!
Once all the communications are in one place and connected, you can easily see the context behind all the information. When you share and communicate related information with history, the recipient has context. Once you have context, you have clarity. This makes you quicker and faster at work.
Clariti does exactly this. It makes a ‘A Quicker Faster You!’. Clariti seamlessly connects related interactions from different communication channels such as email, chat, cloud storage, social feeds, etc into one context-based Thread. That too happens automatically in real-time without your active intervention. When you receive an email, you can immediately start chatting from the email and the recipient can understand the context that you are talking about — without you having to forward the email! Later, both the email and chat transcripts are saved automatically in a Thread.
Here is the best part of this story, Clariti is Free! Yes, you can sign up now and immediately reap the benefits of Threads. Clariti is web-based, so there is nothing to download or install. We have a simple on-boarding process that explains how the product works in three simple steps. You can configure your email, add contacts and cloud storage and start building threads to increase your productivity, reduce stress, and get that work-life balance you deserve.