Google Adwords | Facebook Ads| Instagram Ads | Twitter Ads: What You Can Learn From Our Paid Campaigns

4 min readOct 19, 2018


Like many other start up firms, we at Clariti decided to try out paid search and social media advertising for one month as they are touted as excellent ways of attracting visitors and getting your website in front of people.

We created a Standard Google Ad campaign for Search Network only. The objective of our campaign was to draw visitors to our website.

We designed our campaign with the best practices of creating separate ad groups for different categories with 3 or 4 ads per ad group. For keywords, we included combination of various keyword types — broad match, phrase match, exact match, broad match modifiers, long tail keywords, branded keywords with 20–25 keywords per keyword list.


Our campaign achieved a CTR: 2.99% with an Avg CPC of $1.51​. Our campaign performed well compared to the industry standard rates of CTR: 2.38% and Avg CPC: $1.78. The spikes in the graph are time periods when our paid campaigns in Google Adwords were active.

We created 2 campaigns for Facebook platform. In one campaign we used a 6 sec video about Clariti App and in the second campaign we created a carousel ad with 3 images.

We customized the target audience for our campaign based on our research.


The 2 Facebook campaigns achieved CTRs of 3.10 % and 3.37% which is higher than the industry standard of 1.04%. Given our small budget the results were great.

Our carousel Ad in Instagram got great results!


The CTR was 1.97% which was better than the industry standard rate of 0.52%

We created 2 campaigns in Twitter — one with a video and the other with an image.

Twitter Video Campaign

Twitter image campaign


Here are the results from our Twitter video campaign and image campaign. With engagement rates of 2.0% and 7.9%, we were happy with our efforts.

So, did the paid campaigns budge our website traffic ?

Yes, definitely.Our website traffic increased 3X due to paid campaigns in the above platforms.

Overall, our efforts did prove that online advertising campaigns are one of the most effective methods for acquiring steady traffic. So while content marketing remains one of the most effective ways to generate brand awareness, it’s also becoming more difficult with the digital space so overcrowded. Since a million blog posts are published online everyday, we will definitely need more than just pressing the “publish” button to be visible to our prospective customers. This is where paid traffic makes a grand entry. Some benefits from paid campaigns include greater online visibility, ability to reach broad audience, ads are measurable and can be created in minutes, granular targeting of audience etc.

Nonetheless, the focus should always be on creating quality content, but if you are struggling to get your content seen by your target audience then utilizing paid traffic to improve effectiveness of content marketing campaigns is useful.

Our team at Clariti App keeps dabbling with digital technologies to expand our online outreach. If you like our story about paid campaigns subscribe to our newsletter. We will be sharing more such stories about our efforts, so stay tuned!




Clariti is a business productivity web app that brings your emails, chats, call, to-dos, & shared documents… in one app.