Since the advent of cloud technology, enterprises are rapidly shifting their workspace to cloud data centers mostly to save money, time, and effort. While businesses around the world are relying on cloud service providers for various services from SaaS to PaaS, they have some genuine concerns in ceding some control of their data to a cloud service provider.
Cisco researchers predict that by 2020, 92% of applications and workloads will run in cloud data centers only. Even as the usage of cloud is exploding, the need to implement and maintain secure processes and systems to protect data is felt more now than in the past.
Trend Micro’s survey reveals that 80% of IT business leaders anticipate a critical breach in 2020. Small businesses lack cybersecurity strategies and face higher risks.
They are under pressure to provide better security and also meet the regulatory requirements. Failure to protect customer data would mean huge financial implications and breach of public trust. When it comes to choosing a good communication system, the fact that it is hosted on the cloud need not pose any security threat as long as businesses know what to expect from the cloud vendor in terms of safety and security of your data.
Find out how Clariti, a personal and business communication tool, handles some of the security issues.
1) Clariti provides strong encryption model to protect the data. Therefore, the users can access the product only from a secure network through registered email id and password.
2) Clariti provides a powerful feature to share an email with other Clariti contacts instantly. So, you can avoid forwarding the email. Sharing is much more secure and faster than forwarding.
3) Clariti supports multi-layered authentication system. Each employee has access only to the information they strictly need and nothing more. You can add or remove other contacts from the chat as you wish so that the information is shared only with the right person.
4) Since Clariti is hosted in AWS, it meets all the compliance requirements such as SOC 1/SSAE 16/ISAE 3402 (formerly SAS 70 Type II), SOC2, SOC3, FISMA, DIACAP, FedRAMP, PCI DSS Level 1, ISO 27001 and Cloud Security Alliance.
5) When it comes to protecting your data against Viruses, Spyware, Adware & Other Malicious Software, be rest assured. Clariti relies on AWS’s built-in security features to meet specific business requirements and protect the confidentiality, integrity, and availability of your data in the cloud.
6) Clariti also has a cloud-to-cloud backup. It enables data stored in one cloud to be backed up to another cloud — providing an additional layer of protection.
7) When the user deletes his/her account, all the information gets fully deleted. There is no scope for data leakage.
8) Clariti eliminates the need to subscribe for too many tools as it combines all communications into a single platform. It becomes easy to manage single software than manage a whole bunch of tools.
9) Last but not least, if you decide to quit Clariti, all your original emails will be safe. They will be fully available with your original email service provider, as Clariti is not an email service provider. It is a communication management system.