Top 5 benefits of using ‘connected apps’

4 min readMar 23, 2021


If you are an employee working in a typical multi-national office, there are chances that you might be using different apps for email, chat, social feeds, meetings, events, reminders, cloud storage etc. The number of software apps deployed by large firms across all industries worldwide has been ever increasing in the last decade.

5 benefits of using “connected apps”

According to an analysis by Okta Inc the usage of apps in the corporate sector increased by 68% over the past four years, reaching an average of 129 apps per company. All these apps can weigh you down. They not only clutter up your desktop, but they also make it hard to stay on top of everything.

The more apps you have, the harder it will be to keep track of all usernames and passwords. Information will also be spread across multiple apps, making it tough to find the information you need. Without a way to organize it all, eventually, things will start to fall through the cracks. You are most likely to miss an important email or group chat, resulting in missed project deadlines. Even if you do stay on top of everything, toggling between all those apps takes time and zaps your productivity, especially if you have to log in and out of each app.

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Get more organized

Getting all of your apps in one place is a big step in organizing all your official work. A little organization can go a long way towards increasing productivity. Being better organized will also help you to regain your work-life balance. That is why we created Clariti. Clariti will help you to streamline all your communication so that you end up spending less time searching and more time working.

By organizing all your communication in one place, through connected apps, you can boost productivity and feel better organized. When you work in Clariti, you always work in context. In Clariti, you can start a Thread by composing an email, starting a chat or creating a to-do. Once you start a Thread, all your interactions including chats, file sharing, feeds, and emails regarding that particular topic are inside the same Thread. Later on, when you want to refer to information on a particular topic, you don’t have to search for it in separate places like your email inbox, chat app or your social feeds. Clariti Threads will let you see everything in one view.

These are some of the benefits from using Clariti.

1. All apps in one place.

Manage all your apps in one place. When you use Clariti, there is no need to toggle between multiple apps like email, chat, social feeds, meetings, events, reminders, cloud storage etc. All these functionalities are available in a single SaaS-based application and you don’t have to log in and log out multiple times and there are no hassles like installation, maintenance, license renewal, etc.

2. Chat from Emails

In Clariti, when you receive an email, you can immediately start chatting from the email and the recipient can understand the context that you are talking about — without you having to forward the email! A huge time saver and also avoids any miscommunications.

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3. Social media feeds

Social media is increasingly becoming an important tool in digital marketing and for getting instant feedback from customers. Unfortunately, social media feeds are independent of your other communications creating silos. In Clariti, you will be able to download your social media feeds and instantly share, begin a chat or create a reminder for all the feeds that you receive. This seamlessly integrates social media in your work.

4. No more Search

McKinsey reported that employees spend 1.8 hours every day — 9.3 hours per week, on average — searching and gathering information. This is a serious problem that affects your productivity and work-life balance. Clariti offers a simple but elegant solution to this painful search problem. Automatically connect all related communication in threads that can be named in ways that are meaningful to you. Since all the communication is automatically organized in Threads with recognizable names, it is extremely easy to find when needed. Additionally, Clariti provides the ability to Flag Threads that are displayed prominently inside the application and serve as reminders of work that is pending.

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5. Made for Teams

Since Clariti is a cloud-based tool, whether it is work-from-home or working from office, your entire team can access it from anywhere, anytime. Clariti is also equipped with audio calls that are as good as face-to-face meetings. With Clariti, your team can look forward to providing outstanding customer service as all the interactions between your agent and customer will be stored in Clariti in the form of a Topic Thread.

Each Thread will have a complete list of interactions with each customer irrespective of the mode of communication used. Using Clariti topic-Threads, your team will always have access to the big picture view of the communication history, making it easy to provide comprehensive support without wasting time searching for information.

When you use a unified communication platform that connects all your apps like Clariti, it results in free and uninterrupted business communication, higher employee engagement, better customer service, and more profits. Sign up for Clariti today. It is easy and free!




Written by Clariti

Clariti is a business productivity web app that brings your emails, chats, call, to-dos, & shared documents… in one app.

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